Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What I learned in 2013

I learned many things in 2013. Not only studying, I learned what I should do on schedule. There was lots of homework I had last year. That volume was too large, so I wanted to give up. I didn't do my homework in order. I always finished them just before the deadline, so I was irritated with such myself in spring term. I decided to write what I have to do on a paper. Then, I could have any time to spare. However, I was lazy sometimes when I wasn't motivated to study. I noticed that is a best way to write what I should do. When I finished what I have to do, I draw a red line on the list. That makes me refresh. Finishing my homework as much as I can is very important for me, so I tried to finish English Central, blogging, and power words. I finished English Central and power words soon. However, it is important to remember what I studied, I think.

I learned many things in classes. There were many things I didn't know. Especially, I enjoyed class of history of America. I didn't learn detail about it when I was a high school student. I had only images that America won wars and they had many weapons. However, there were other many complicated problem history in America. I thought that is not good to have only images. I should know real information about what I want to know. 

Reading class taught me how to read newspaper in English. I couldn't read news paper's headline last year. I somehow read them, but I didn't real meaning of them. I could have understood the headline's mean since I have taken the reading class. When I could now the real mean, I was happy. I think that class is useful. There were many problem on me in 2013. I want to recover myself next year.
[321 words]

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